
Arizona Legion College

Why Take The American Legion "TAL" Basic Training?
The Basic Training Course covers five topics
History and Organization
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
National Security
Children & Youth
This class will take you about 2 1/2 hours,  can be paused at any time
Lots of Videos
and a Test for each topic
Each topic offers ways in which American Legion Family members can advance the organization's values and services in their local communities.
With this information, we at the Arizona Legion College then builds on this
We'll have Classes on Membership, My Legion, Proper Use of our Emblems, Public Relations, Protocol, Robert's Rules of Order
Once again, Building on what you have already learned from "TAL" Basic Training
TAL Basic Training is free from National, so, first, be sure you have your access to My Legion working
https:///mylegion.org. Once you have this working (which BTW verify your information is correct)
The you can go to the Basic Training Site  https://legion.org/alei 
Now "Have Fun" learning about our Organization.